Manage your compliance with Valpak Limited
Valpak is the UK's leading environmental compliance scheme, managing the recycling obligations of over 5,000 UK businesses under producer responsibility laws. Our services are focused around Packaging, WEEE and Batteries both in the UK and internationally as well as environmental consultancy, waste management and supply chain transparency.
We go beyond compliance with the insight platform, providing users with a clear view of their product and supplier data, enabling businesses to report on and manage performance, make informed decisions and demonstrate due diligence when it comes to compliance and sustainability.
We have invested in organisational capability to add value through delivering clear and flexible solutions complex sustainability problems. Many of our customers agree by scoring us consistently over 95% in satisfaction surveys.
More information
Alison Quinn, Tender Contract Manager
Phone: 0345 068 2572
Email: alison.quinn@valpak.co.uk
Website: www.valpak.co.uk
Twitter: @valpak_ltd
LinkedIn: Valpak Limited
‘Valpak are more than just a safe pair of hands when it comes to compliance, they provide us with insight’