A two-part consultation process to inform a review on regulating genetic technologies in England was lauched by Defra, and Part 1 of this consultation on the regulation of gene editing opened on 7 January 2021.

The first set of consultation questions addresse the regulation of GMOs by gene editing (GE) or other genetic technologies which could have been developed by traditional breeding techniques. The second set of consultation questions cover a broad reform of legislation governing organisms produced using genetic technologies.

There is specific reference to organic agriculture in the consultation document. However, it neglects to mention that organic agriculture has a rigorous governance system mandated in law worldwide, which prohibits the use or presence of GE. It is therefore clear that, depending on the outcome of the consultation, safeguards for organic food will likely be required.

The consultation deadline was 17 March 2021 and the FDF's Food Safety and Scientific Steering Group and Genetic Modification Electronic Working Group helped develop the FDF response.

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Organic group

Genetic modification electronic working group

FDF response submitted

We have submitted a response on behalf of members

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FDF Responses 

In March 2021, the FDF responses to the Defra consultation on regulating genetic technologies in England were submitted.


Genetic modification working group 

Organics group