FDF Scotland is proud to provide the Secretariat to the Scottish Parliament's Cross Party Group on Food. The Group was set up in 2004 and has the following remit:

  • To raise awareness of food issues from production through to consumption and their importance to the consumer, the economy, the environment and to the health of Scotland
  • To act as a policy forum for discussion and updating on Scottish food issues
  • To contribute to policy development on a range of food issues in Scotland

Please note views expressed in these meetings do not necessarily represent the views of FDF Scotland and its members. 


In 2004 the Scottish Consumer Council (SCC) worked closely with MSPs to establish a Cross Party Group on Food. The Group met for the first time in November 2004 with SCC providing the Secretariat.

In 2006 it was agreed that the Secretariat should be jointly shared between the Scottish Food and Drink Federation (SFDF) and SCC (which became Consumer Focus Scotland in 2008). It was also decided to have joint Co-Conveners to spread the load. The SFDF, now FDF Scotland, took over the Secretariat in 2011.

Conveners are elected at the Annual General Meeting each year. Currently there are three Co-Conveners from across the political spectrum.

Kirsty Tinsdale  Kirsty Tinsdale, Secretary

Kirsty provides the Secretariat for the Cross Party Group on Food. If you have any queries relating to the Group please get in touch with Kirsty at cpgf@fdfscotland.org.uk