The FDF's 'Ambition 2025 - Shaping Sustainable Value Chains' builds on the success of our Five-Fold Environmental Ambition and is the next step on our journey to help deliver a more sustainable food system.

A competitive and sustainable UK food and drink manufacturing sector has the potential to make a real contribution to future food security and sustainable growth. The proposal is composed of two elements; Resource Efficiency, an evolution of the original Five-Fold Environmental Ambition, and Shaping Future Value Chains, a new pillar of the ambition.

On Resource Efficiency, Ambition 2025 includes a target for reducing CO2 emissions as well as quantitative and qualitative deliverables around water use, reduction of food waste, use of more sustainable packaging and the reduction of emissions from transport. The FDF and its members will also contribute to WRAP's Courtauld 2025 targets.

On Shaping Future Value Chains, Ambition 2025 includes targets on sustainable supply chains and natural capital.

Updates & milestones

FDF’s Ambition 2025: Shaping Sustainable Value Chains, Progress Report 2025 published

The FDF’s Ambition 2025 progress report has been published and it demonstrates the progress made by the food and drink industry in all our target areas – from CO2 emissions to food waste to packaging – to create a more sustainable food supply chain.

Despite the challenges that 2022 brought, supply chain issues, labour shortages, threats to energy security as well as rising inflation and ingredient prices, our members remain focused on their commitment to lead the charge for a sustainable, resilient, and responsible food and drink industry, and deliver on our ambition to reach Net Zero by 2040 – a decade earlier than government targets.

FDF meeting on the Sedex system and the upcoming changes

On 31st May from 4 to 5, there will be a one-off meeting to share views on the Sedex system and the upcoming changes. It will be chaired by Anoushka Harris from AB Foods, and FDF will be in attendance for purposes of competition law. The agenda will include: how members are currently using SEDEX and monitoring the data on the platform, and challenges and plans to manage the new SAQ with suppliers. If you would like to join, please contact Emma Piercy.

Networking Breakfast Event: Sustainable Procurement - 22nd September

Join our next Sustainability Networking Breakfast Event on the theme of ‘Sustainability & Procurement’!  Guests can join from 08:30 with a short series of speeches and Q&A at 09:00. Our speakers from apetito, WRAP, Nestle, DEFRA and ADAS (our sponsors), will share different perspectives of this topic to cover the following areas:

  • Standardising an approach to supply chain emissions
  • Promotion of sustainable practices such as regenerative agriculture and wider supply chain initiatives
  • How retailers are engaging with suppliers on the sustainability agenda
  • Consultation on changes to public sector food and catering policy 

Guests can then continue their informal Chatham house discussions and to network with fellow industry professionals to discuss common issues, challenges, developments and ideas.  To register for this event, click here!

Webinar on 18th July at 12:30 on the Nature Recovery Network

On 18th July at 12:30, there is a webinar to provide an introduction to the Nature Recovery Network (NRN).  Please register here.

The NRN is a major commitment in the UK Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan and enacted by the Environment Act 2021. The NRN aims to expand, improve and connect a national network of wildlife-rich places across England’s towns, cities, countryside and coast. The national network has a range of ambitious objectives around nature recovery, as well as providing a range of economic, social, and health and well-being benefits. 

Partnership working is essential to deliver the objectives of the NRN, working together across a broad range of organisations and sectors to share skills, knowledge and resources. Natural England and the Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment (IEMA) are holding a webinar to introduce the NRN and the key role that business can play in supporting nature’s recovery.

Delegates will leave the webinar with a better understanding of:

  • What the NRN is and what it’s aiming to achieve and deliver
  • Why businesses should invest in and support the NRN
  • NRN business engagement activities and what's coming up next

SEEBEYOND Project: Final Report now available and upcoming webinar

SEEBEYOND was a project led by the Environment Agency in collaboration with the University of Cambridge, BSI and WRAP. It’s aim was to research how environmental metrics could be standardised within the Food and Drink sector enabling a level playing field for benchmarking of performance and creating opportunities for data automation and reducing the data burden on companies and the potential for greenwashing of environmental performance.

The final report is now available: link

The project team are also presenting a webinar with IEMA on 14th June looking at the outputs of the SEEBEYOND project that you can sign up for here

FDF members can find more information in the circular ESC-020-22


FDF Scotland announces new leadership and sets priorities for industry growth

FDF Scotland is pleased to announce the appointment of James Macsween, Managing Director at Macsween of Edinburgh as its new Chair and Katherine Durie, European Legal Counsel at Baxters Food Group as new Vice Chair.

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Karen Betts’ speech at Ambition 2030 launch event

Read below the full speech our CEO Karen Betts delivered at our Ambition 2030 launch event at London Zoo.

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How we can help your business
food waste

Food waste

This pillar focuses on how FDF members will contribute to halving food waste by 2030.

Plastics and packaging

Ambition 2030: Packaging

This pillar outlines how we will contribute to the implementation of a world-class packaging recycling.