There are many exciting reasons to work in food and drink. But many school leavers and students don’t understand the breadth of opportunities available.

We’ve developed these resources to help educators and careers influencers gets across these opportunities, explaining why it’s a sector with good prospects for people of all interests and skills levels.

A range of organisations have helped with these resources, including the Scotland Food & Drink Partnership, Skills Development Scotland, Lantra Scotland, the National Skills Academy Food and Drink and the Scottish Government.

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Why work in food and drink: the sector in numbers

Statistics showing the importance of food and drink jobs for people, communities and Scotland.

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Key messages about food and drink careers

How to explain the sector and its career opportunities to potential recruits, including STEM students.

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FAQs about life in food and drink

Answers to common questions about what working in the Scottish food and drink sector.

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Agri-food and drink qualification/career route map

Qualifications providing access to food and drink careers and progression opportunities.

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Career success stories from Scotland’s food and drink industry

Our case studies show the variety of jobs in food and drink, and different routes into the sector.

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Farming and food supply careers map

The huge variety of career opportunities across farming, food and drink in Scotland.

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Tasty Careers in food and drink careers map

Another useful map showing the fantastic career opportunities for entrants at all levels.

Related pages

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Becoming a Food and Drink Ambassador

Our ambassadors inspire young people to consider a career in food and drink. If you work in food and drink and would like to help motivate the next generation of recruits into the industry you can sign up as a food and drink ambassador.