Reformultion support toolkit

26 October 2021

Use our Reformul8 toolkit to review your reformulation opportunities, and view our industry support documents.



Reformulation for health resources

Click through the following expanding panels to view the range of free to access resources.

Don't forget to register for our newsletter below, to hear about future events, funding opportunities and reformulation updates.  

Sodium reduction supplier database


So you want to reduce the sodium in your product; what next?

Use our database of ingredient suppliers to help you find the best solution for your product. 

Supplier database

Sensory analysis guide

The adjustment of a product can be an unsettling concept for a brand, which is why Reformul8 are committed to supporting industry with the tools to allow them to do so with confidence. 

Our guide has been developed to give SME food manufacturers the tools to carry out their own sensory analysis, in a way that suits them. Download our interactive worksheets for free. 

Interactive guide


You can find the Reformulation for Health podcasts on the FDF Scotland podcast page, or on your preferred podcast platform; search "FDF Scotland" to subscribe.

FDF Scotland produces regular podcasts featuring insights and updates from Scotland's food and drink industry. These focus on behind the scenes of the food and drink business, skills, reformulation, environment and other topics of interest.

Tune in on our podcasts page


Click through to view recordings of our previous webinars, featuring a range of industry experts:

Listen to our Sodium reduction solutions webinar which took place on the 17th March to learn about salt’s place in public health, and methods of salt reduction using alternative ingredients.

Be sure to sign up to our newsletter below, to receive alerts of our future events.

2024 salt and calorie targets

UK salt reduction has been achieved through a number of stepwise reductions, allowing for consumers pallates to adjust over time. Nutritional targets for both salt and calorie content have been set, to be achieved by 2024, with guidance and maximum levels for salt, sodium and calories. 

We have summaried just some of these targets in our condensed guidance sheets.

Please consult the full documentation before beginning your reduction project:


Advice Tool

Thinking of making your products healthier?

FDF Scotland's Reformulation for Health advice tool will help you start your reformulation journey.

Complete for bespoke advice and support on making your products and processes healthier.

We will then contact you to develop your reformulation action plan.

Advice tool

Reformulation guides

Feeling confused about the process of reformulation?

Our reformulation guides explain the eight principles of reformulation, with information on each of the nutritional components and helpful tips for achieving your reformulation goals.

FDF Scotland Research

Consumer and business attitudes to reformulation

FDF Scotland carried out research with Levercliff to determine consumer and business attitudes to product reformulation.

View the results:

The results were discussed in an FDF webinar

View the slides from the webinar here

IGD reformulation guidance

IGD is a research and training charity which sits at the heart of the food and consumer goods industry. Visit their website for a range of useful reformulation guidance and tools.

IGD: Reformulation tools

Related topics

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Action on Fibre

Our members have pledged to take Action on Fibre and help bridge the gap between fibre intakes and the dietary recommendation.


Calorie reduction

FDF members are committed to working alongside government as it develops calorie reduction guidelines. Compared to 8 years ago, FDF member products provide 13% fewer calories into the average shopping basket.

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FDF members are working towards government’s voluntary sugar reduction guidelines of 20% by 2020. Great progress has been made, particularly in soft drinks. Compared to 8 years ago, FDF member products provide 15% less sugars into the average shopping basket.

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The UK is widely acknowledged to be leading the world in salt reduction and companies are working to specific voluntary guidelines set by Government. Compared to 8 years ago, FDF member products now provide 24% less salt into the average shopping basket.