The global food system is set to face unprecedented pressures over the coming decades. As part of this, a transition towards a more ‘sustainable healthy diet’ to improve the environmental impact of the food system is of growing interest to businesses, policy makers, NGOs and the public. 

The definition of what constitutes a sustainable healthy diet is at a relatively early stage of development, with many organisations outlining the dietary shifts required to support better health and environmental outcomes. 

All sectors of the food industry have a role to play. FDF supports the aim of sustainable healthy diets set out by the WHO and FAO and are working with our members to consider the role of food and drink manufacturers to help deliver change. 

This work supports our long-standing goals to improve diet and health outcomes and deliver a more sustainable food system. This forms part of FDF’s Ambition 2025 vision for “A thriving and sustainable food and drink industry that acts responsibly for the benefit of society and the environment”. It is also an integral area within our work on climate change and upcoming roadmap to Net Zero.

Many FDF members are already making great commitments in this space, including working with retailers to collaboratively identify and test strategies to help shift consumers towards affordable, healthier and more sustainable choices in line with the Eatwell Guide recommendations.

FDF Member Workshop on Sustainable Healthy Diets

In January 2020, FDF hosted a member’s workshop on ‘sustainable healthy diets’. The workshop included a line-up of expert speakers to explore opportunities and challenges for food and drink manufacturers. Hear a summary from each of our guest speakers on the following link.

Updates & milestones

FDF Diet and Health Award – Entries are now open!

Has your company made a significant contribution to improve the health of its customers?

Enter the FDF Awards - Diet and Health category before 28 February 2022, for your chance to win. It’s completely free to enter!

View the full criteria

Find out more about the FDF Awards

FDF Registered Dietitian / Nutritionist of the Year Award – Entries are now open!

Do you know a Registered Dietitian or Nutritionist who has made an exceptional contribution to the food and drink sector?

Nominate them for the FDF Registered Dietitian / Nutritionist of the Year award before the deadline of 28 February 2022. It’s completely free to enter!

View the full criteria

Find out more about the FDF Awards

How have food and drink manufacturers progressed environmental targets?

In this episode of the FDF podcast, the FDF’s Chief Scientific Officer, Helen Munday is joined by Skye Oudemans and Emma Mansbridge to explore the FDF’s recent Ambition 2025 progress and mid-term review reports. Both reports outlines the impressive progress made by food and drink manufacturers against environmental targets originally set out in 2016 as well as renewed ambitions the industry is aiming for by 2025.

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Ambition 2025 progress report and mid-term review published

On 24 February, the FDF launched our Ambition 2025 Mid-term Review and Ambition 2025 Progress Report 2020 which was supported by a series of member case studies.

As highlighted in this year’s progress report, there has been exceptional progress in some areas, including:

  • 55% reduction in CO2 emissions, five years before the target was due to be reached.
  • 41.5% reduction in absolute water consumption in 2019 and support for the Courtauld 2025 Water Ambition.
  • Contributed to the Food Waste Reduction Roadmap.
  • Continued to build relationships with key stakeholders and with UK governments including through engagement on various the Plastics tax; undertook advocacy on PRN cost crisis; supported the UK Plastics Pact; and launched new guidelines on using recycled content in plastic packaging applications.
  • Promoted the fewer and friendlier miles agenda through FDF’s 10 Point Checklist.
  • Updated and promoted the Sustainability Resource Hub.
  • Promoted the FDF Natural Capital Awareness Document.

The FDF also published a press release, with supporting quote from Environment Minister, Rebecca Pow MP. The launch has been extensively covered across the trade media.

FDF Diet and Health Award

Has your company made a significant contribution to improve the health of its customers?

Enter in the FDF Awards - Diet and Health category before 28 February 2021, for your chance to win. It’s completely free to enter!

View the full criteria and enter now

Find our more about the FDF Awards


Response to Defra’s announcement on illegal deforestation

We welcome today’s announcement on Forest Risk Commodities Regulation.

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The Food and Drink Federation commits to the delivery of a working deposit return scheme (DRS)

A report launched today brings together Parliament, business and academics to reflect on the challenge of the 2030 target to reduce emissions by 50 per cent and identify innovative ways we can green the nation.

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